Past Performance - Heavy Civil

Sabino Canyon Parking Lot

Project Description

The work associated with this project included industry-standard asphaltic pavement reclamation and asphaltic pavement replacement at the Sabino Canyon Visitor Center parking lots located in Tucson, Arizona, in order to provide complete pavement replacement. This work included protecting, disconnecting and setting aside two of the existing fee booths at the site. It also involved resetting and provisioning the electrical/phone service to the larger fee booth at the conclusion of the repaving work; the removal, set-aside and resetting of the identified gate, signs, tire-ripper and speed bumps; the demolition of identified concrete curbing, bollards and parking bumpers; a full-depth-of-mat pavement reclamation; hauling out, spreading and compacting a portion of the resulting asphalt millings to identified areas within the general Sabino Canyon Recreation Area; reshaping, watering and compacting the remaining asphalt millings in the original parking lots and in the hauled out locations; the supplying, hauling and complete repaving and fog sealing of the parking lots; temporaryly paint striping the parking lots with a new striping pattern while the fog seal cured; the final thermoplastic pavement markings after the fog seal cure/tracking time; and miscellaneous tasks associated with the items mentioned above, including removing and resetting concrete parking bumpers.

Scope of Work

  • Removing 1,445 cubic yards of aggregate base.
  • Placing 20,000 square yards of aggregate base.
  • Milling 20,000 square yards and paving 4,320 tons of asphalt.
  • Installing 340 linear feet of curb and gutter.
  • Applying 15,750 linear feet of pavement markings.

Project Challenges

  • Traffic control was required throughout the project as the main parking lot was to be reclaimed/repaved in halves in order to preserve public motorized use of approximately half the overall site area during the project.
  • Full time pedestrian and bicycle traffic control was required for the entire project area.


Tucson, AZ



Project Cost
